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How to disable all controls of particular div using jQuery

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This post covers information about how to disable all the controls contained by some specific div usng jQuery.

While developing web application you might implement some functionality in which you need to disable controls of some container or div such as view and then edit functionality so to implement this you can use this simple jQuery code.

To disable all controls of specific div you can find all those controls like following.

$("#divName input,select,textarea,button")

In above we have given all expected control types seperated with comma as selector so it will give all controls of type input,select,textarea,button contained by divName div.

Once you got all controls to make them disable you can write a simple jQuery code like below.

$("#divName input,select,textarea,button").prop("disabled", true);

If you want to make it re-enable following code can be used

$("#divName input,select,textarea,button").prop("disabled", false);

While reading about the same I came to know several other ways such as getting all controls by $("divName *") or $("divName").find("*") with their performance pros and cons e.g. find works better than * selector etc. but I will not go into the details of that and will keep that job with you. :-)

There are already this kind of solutions available on sites like StackOverflow but still shared here as if you came here while reading some other post on this site it will add this information in your repository.

Check out the live fiddle of the same code below.

Hope you have liked this simple but useful post. Do share your thoughts in comment section below.

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