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How to disable copy paste in textbox using jQuery

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Hello friend, in this post I am going to share simple way of disabling Cut, Copy and Paste operation in input textbox using jQuery. It prevents user to perform any of these operations including shortcuts like Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V and right click too.

Many developers are not aware that there are events exist for each of this operation so they achieve it by detecting the keycode on keydown/up event and so on.  This thing made me to share this information here so while reading other post you will come to know about this if not already known to you.

Let’s check the code first.


      $('#input1').bind("cut copy paste",function(event) {


That’s it. Above is the only code to restrict cut, copy and paste all together on textbox. Isn’t it cool?

For beginners, let’s discuss how the code is working.

As like jQuery tagline "Write Less, Do More" in above code I have bind multiple events together to the input having id “input1”  and just called a action preventDefult() of event object in it.

event.preventDefault() is an action which prevents the default action to be triggered when called therefore nothing happens when any of the above event gets triggered.

If you want to know more about event.preventDefault() you can visit here.

You can say this solution as cross browser solution as its support almost all browsers if gets used for input element. I have tested it for IE8+, Firefox and Google chrome. For detailed compatibility you can check at this link at

Hope you have benefited this simple but useful code.

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Below is live fiddle of the above code.

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