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How to generate barcode using jQuery (ean8, ean13, code11, code39, code128, codabar and more)

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This post covers information about how you can create or generate barcode using jQuery.

jQuery barcode plugin is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin authored by Demonte Jean-Baptiste and Hourez Jonathen ( BarCode Coder Library )and available for all under dual license (cecill and gnu)

Using this plugin is very simple. Let’s start step by step.

Plugin is a jQuery plugin so it’s obvious that you will required to include jQuery js to use this plugin. With jQuery you need to include plugin’s js file too like following.

<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-barcode.js"></script>

Once you include above js then you are ready to generate barcode.

You just need to call barocode function on the target div or input which takes parameters as string to generate barcode and barcode type like below.


That’s it. You will see a generated barcode in div.

This plugin supports multiple types which are listed below.

  • codabar
  • code11 (code 11)
  • code39 (code 39)
  • code93 (code 93)
  • code128 (code 128)
  • ean8 (ean 8)
  • ean13 (ean 13)
  • std25 (standard 2 of 5 - industrial 2 of 5)
  • int25 (interleaved 2 of 5)
  • msi
  • datamatrix (ASCII + extended)

Plugin is able to generate barcode in 4 output types which are as follows.

  • CSS
  • BMP (not works in IE)
  • SVG (not works in IE)
  • CANVAS (works only with canvas supported browsers)

Below is the live fiddle showing usage of this plugin.

Hope you have benefitted from this post. Try this plugin and do share your thoughts. Also if you are having something to add this post positively do share that too. Thanks.

To know more about this plugin you can visit its official site here.

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