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Best free online image optimizers to compress images

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In this post I am sharing the free online image optimizers available online which I use to compress or optimize the images.

For a website ,speed is one of the most important criteria to be in the list of top website and for that all the images you are using on your site must be optimized so it will help to page load faster as overall size of the post will get optimized when the images on the page are compressed.

Let's disucuss what are those image optimizers. is a free online tool to optimize the images without much loosing the original quality. This tool supports 4 formats (JPEG, PNG,GIF & SVG) with two types of compressions i.e. Lossless and Lossy. This tool claims that is using a high compression method by which image gets optimized very well in terms of size that too without lossing the origional quality much. File size limit for this free tool is 10MB.



TinyPNG is very popular among web designers for optimizing the PNG images. The main feature of PNG image is transperency and this tool compresses PNG very well by reducing the no.of colors without affecting the transperency and quality of the image. Previously as name suggest it was supporting only the PNG images but now its also supporting the JPEG images. The best part is it allows you to select multiple images together which some of the tools doesn't provied or their bulk upload feature is coming soon. :-)

Try TinyPNG

It is also another very populer image optimizer developed by Yahoo. It uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. If you use WordPress to maintain your sites then plugin is available to optimize the images of your website at bulk.



This tool is pretty new I feel but comes with nice options such as bulk upload and download after optimization. It supports PNG and JPEG file types for now. Optimizilla claims that it uses smart combination of the best optimization and lossy compression algorithms to shrink JPEG and PNG images to the minimum possible size while keeping the required level of quality.

Try Optimizilla

This tool comes with many options by which you can control the optimization such as optimization mode (Lossy and Lossless) along with some resize options by which you can provide the height and width for the optimized image. It supports the bulk upload.



This is one of my favoriate tool to optimize JPEF image as it has very simple to use. Only one problem I feel is it lacks the bulk upload feature which makes difficult to optimize the images in bulk. Though, if you are compressing single image then this tool can be vey useful.

Try JPEG Optimzer

Summary :

All above tools supports similar kind of features so when it comes to choose the best one then you should consider the type of image. For me, if image is PNG then has given me the best results after that TinyPNG is on the list. For JPEG images, JPEG-Optimizer is one of the best but all other tools provides the less or more same quality of the image. So try each of them and let me know which tool you feel is more useful. Thanks.

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