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How to make checkboxes to act like radio button using jQuery

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This post covers information about how you can make checkboxes to act like radio buttons i.e. at any time only one checkbox is selected using jQuery.

In one of mine project there was this small requirement where I have to provide checkboxes which will behave like radio button. That time to achive this functionality I had added one class to all checkboxes and then have handled changed event in which I unchecked all checkboxes having that class and then again selected current checkbox. But you can achieve the same functionality in single line of code.

Suppose you have defined a checkboxes like below to select user's sport preference.

Select your sport preference :
<input type="checkbox" value="Male"> I Like Outdoor Games <br/>
<input type="checkbox" value="Female"> I Like Indoor Games <br/>
<input type="checkbox" value="All"> I like both. <br/>

Now to make above checkboxes to act like radio button, we can write a simple jQuery code like below.

    $("input:checkbox").not(this).attr('checked', false);

If you notive above code, I have used not function which deselects current checkbox from the list of checkboxes and then removed its check.

To know more about not() function you can visit here.

Checkout the live working fiddle of the above code.

Hope you have liked this simple but useful post. Do share your thoughts in comment section below.

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